The F.O.O.L.S. exemplify the true meaning of the Brotherhood by providing training opportunities to Brother and Sister Firefighters worldwide. We organize benefits to assist not only a firefighter and their families in need, but our communities as well. The F.O.O.L.S. exist to strengthen the Brotherhood of our chosen profession and fuel the flame of passion we have for our calling.

Parker Caskey is a seven year student of the fire service. Parker has spent those years with the Ankeny Fire Department where he is currently an Engineer/Paramedic assigned to A Shift. Parker spends his time bettering himself for the citizens of Ankeny by attending as many fire service related classes as possibly. He has been the President of the DAM FOOLS for the last 2 years and looks to help build the organization by bringing in top notch training to the Des Moines Metro. Parker is a supporting and loving husband to his wife, Paige. Parker and Paige have dogson named Captain.

Colton Lippert, is a 12 year student of the craft! Every third day plus much more, you can find Colton serving the citizens of Ankeny as a firefighter/paramedic with the Ankeny Fire Department. Where he is assigned to Station 1 on Thee C- Shift. Colton is a dedicated husband to his wife Karlee, and a dedicated father to their two daughters (Jolee and Hadlee) and two dogaughters (Laina and Rorie). He relentlessly enjoys spreading the good news of Faith, Family and Fire in that order where he happens to be at that moment. He would be the first to tell you comfort and growth do not coexist, and to make moves, not excuses.

Tyler Homeyer is a 13 year student of the fire service. Tyler started his service as a volunteer in northwest iowa before transitioning to being able to call this my career. Tyler has been apart of the Marshalltown Fire Department since 2015 where he is currently a Firefighter/EMT. Tyler truly believes this is the best job in the world and will continue to uphold the oath and pass along anything he gets along the way. Outside of the job his world is his family, Tyler has an amazing wife and two children that supports him.

Chad Wheeler is a 5 year student to the fire service. Chad started his service as volunteer for a local fire department in Nebraska, and then transitioned to a career department. Chad has been with the Council Bluffs fire department for almost 3 years where he serves as a firefighter/paramedic. He is a never ending student of the craft and attends as many hands on training and conferences that he can. When he is not better himself in the craft, he is a devoted husband and father.

Cole Kleinwolterink is a devoted husband, father and passionate firefighter/paramedic. He started his career in 2019 after leaving a rewarding career in teaching and coaching. He works full-time for the Waukee Fire Department, as well as, volunteers for the Granger Fire Department. Cole also writes the monthly training column for the Iowa Firefighter Newspaper, teaches fire skills at the Des Moines Area Community and is part of the Rogue Training Consulting cadre. His enthusiasm for training and brotherhood is what led Cole to get involved with the D.A.M. F.O.O.L.S. “

The only shortcut is hard work!” FTM- PTB

Founding Members

Ty Wheeler Cory Snowgren Ryan Wheeler Nic Hutchinson Chris Ford

The Des Moines Area Metro Chapter of the Fraternal Order of Leatherheads Society was organized in 2018 by a group of dedicated and passionate firefighters throughout the Des Moines Area and Central. Iowa. These firefighters shared a passion for the fire service with their brothers and were dedicated to the improvement of the training and the art of firemanship.


"In the grips of death we depend on our sisters & brothers, through smoke and fire we protect each other....

Our calling is clear we shall not wander, when protecting life it’s death before dishonor....

And here and now we raise our glass, a toast to the fallen heroes of the past.

Tradition, Brotherhood, Duty Forever, for this could be our last drink together!




A "Mutt" is someone or thing that will abuse and mistreat a Firefighter. This can be the City, the Mayor, the Chief in Charge, the habitual caller, or the homeless Person who starts a fire and leaves.

These are people that have never crawled down a hall or made the last room in an effort to do their job. If they can't get the job done today well maybe next week will do.

If we don't get the job done people might die and our brother and sister might also die. So we always lay it on the line and leave a little behind at every fire. I say that in a dark smoky hallway I can't tell the race, creed or sex of my fellow firefighter, I just know that they are with me. I don't care who or what you are as long as you are a firefighter and want to protect your brothers and sisters.

"Sulum reverto domus"

Author unknown, possibly Old Gallagher

"Although 'EGH, Everybody Goes Home' is not always possible, it is part of what we strive for. It is why we train, it is why we read, it is why we interact with each other. We need to share the knowledge. The more we share, the more we pass on what we have learned, the safer we will be. The fewer funerals we will have to go to, the more of our Brothers and Sisters that will go home. Because it is all about protecting each other". (Pressler, 2002)


Lieutenant Michael Ciampo, FDNY

"The Fire service, as a whole, is collectively still trying to recover from the effects of Sept. 11. The 343 members of the FDNY who made the supreme sacrifice that day will always be in our hearts and forever on our minds. As part of our FOOL's "signature", R-F-B, "Remember Fallen Brothers", these heroes should never and will never be forgotten. This should also include ALL of our fallen Brothers, no matter where they were from, or the matter in which they died. Their names have been added to long list of those that have laid down their lives so that others may live."
(Pressler, 2002)

"Servo fides"

"Keep the Faith. With all that has happened we must believe. We must have faith in ourselves and in the others that think like us. They can transfer us, they can make you cut your mustache, the can tell you what you can't wear on your helmet, but never let them break your spirit!" (Pressler, 2002)