
Friday, October 4

Lecture Series: Leadership, Culture & Mindset

VENUE: Holiday Inn Express & Suites - Conference Center
2502 SE Hulsizer Dr. Ankeny, IA
(515) 965-2400

7:00am : check-in opens

  • If you ordered a Conference Shirt, you can pick it up at when you check-in on Friday or Saturday.

8:00 am : the aggressive mindset - Chris kessinger

  • What does that mean to you and the members of your department? Our mission has always been to serve the citizens in which we swore to protect. Placing their wellbeing above our own is the expectation that they have and the OATH that we took. Statistically fires are down across the country, but civilian fire fatalities continue to climb. We must change our mindset, training and culture to ensure we are ready to make the grab when the call comes. You don’t think we are making grabs daily? Head on over to Firefighter Rescue Survey and read the numbers. Aggressive search wins…change my mind. Our mindset drives our preparedness, our culture, and our performance. In this class we will discuss taking back time in our readiness, search statistics, creating a culture of excellence and empowering the aggressive mindset to your entire crew. The decisions we make on a daily basis can be the difference in whether someone lives or dies, we must ensure that we are performing as professionals and aggressively. We are here for THEM! Aggressive firemanship saves lives! Do you have the mindset?!

10:00 am : get your mind right - Mark Misek

  • Most members of the fire service put a tremendous amount of effort into preparing for the job. This can include academic preparation, physical fitness, and tons of training on a wide variety of topics and skills. However, very few mentally prepare for the stress and strain of the job and the negative effects it can have and if ignored, you will find yourself in a place where you’ve lost the joy of a job you love so much. This class focuses on my personal experiences dealing with this and things that I have found to be helpful in trying to keep my love for the job alive.

1200 pm : lunch

  • Lunch will be on your own.

1:oo pm : truck company officer - oj kolodzjiej

  • In this high intensity class we will reinforce or lay the ground work for aggressive, but intelligent Truck Company operations that is effective and efficient. This class is designed for anyone that is aspiring to be a driver, officer, or if you’re already one. This is for all those that love Truck work with or without a Truck!

3:00pm : leadership at every level - chief scott thompson

  • Delve into the nuances of leadership and followership during this comprehensive two-hour class. This class aims to talk discuss:

    - Leadership roles and responsibilities

    - Leadership involvement and sacrifices

    - Influence of leadership on culture

7:00 PM : Social

  • Magee’s Irish Pub & Eatery
    1610 SW Main St, Ankeny, IA

Saturday, October 5


Required PPE:

Structural firefighting PPE, Eye protection, SCBA and spare SCBA cylinder.
*extrication gloves are permitted for “Maximize Your Extrication”

VENUE: Des Moines Area Community College Training Tower
Lot D ON DMACC Ankeny Campus


  • Parking is available across the street in Lot K.

  • Feel free to drive to Lot D, drop off your equipment before parking.

8:00 AM : start time

12:00 PM : Lunch

  • Food truck available on site: Weinie Wonderland 

  • Menu include: brisket, pulled pork & smoked turkey sandwiches, cheesy hash browns, pasta salad


Hotel Information

Holiday Inn Express & Suites: $139 per night
2502 SE Hulsizer Dr Ankeny, IA 

**Make sure to tell the hotel that you are part of the FOOLS fire Conference

friday’s Lecture Series

Leadership at Every Level

Delve into the nuances of leadership and followership during this comprehensive two-hour class. This class aims to talk discuss:

- Leadership roles and responsibilities

- Leadership inovlment and sacrifices

- Influence of leadership on culture

Truck Company Officer

In this high intensity class we will reinforce or lay the ground work for aggressive, but intelligent Truck Company operations that is effective and efficient. This class is designed for anyone that is aspiring to be a driver, officer, or if you’re already one. This is for all those that love Truck work with or without a Truck!

The Aggressive Mindset

What does that mean to you and the members of your department? Our mission has always been to serve the citizens in which we swore to protect. Placing their wellbeing above our own is the expectation that they have and the OATH that we took. Statistically fires are down across the country, but civilian fire fatalities continue to climb. We must change our mindset, training and culture to ensure we are ready to make the grab when the call comes. You don’t think we are making grabs daily? Head on over to Firefighter Rescue Survey and read the numbers. Aggressive search wins…change my mind. Our mindset drives our preparedness, our culture, and our performance. In this class we will discuss taking back time in our readiness, search statistics, creating a culture of excellence and empowering the aggressive mindset to your entire crew. The decisions we make on a daily basis can be the difference in whether someone lives or dies, we must ensure that we are performing as professionals and aggressively. We are here for THEM! Aggressive firemanship saves lives! Do you have the mindset?!

Get Your Mind Right'

Most members of the fire service put a tremendous amount of effort into preparing for the job. This can include academic preparation, physical fitness, and tons of training on a wide variety of topics and skills. However, very few mentally prepare for the stress and strain of the job and the negative effects it can have and if ignored, you will find yourself in a place where you’ve lost the joy of a job you love so much. This class focuses on my personal experiences dealing with this and things that I have found to be helpful in trying to keep my love for the job alive.

Saturday’s Hands-on-training

The Dark Side of Ladders (All day class)

Many of us live in a sunny world of what we believe to be ground ladders. In this reality we just carry, throw, and extend ladders.

But...there is another world. A world that’s not as sunny not as brightly lit. In this world Ladders are spliced, walls are scaled, and buckets are extended. This is the Dark Side!

The Dark Side of Ladders are you ready?

Maximize Your Extrication (All day class)

This course is designed to maximize the capabilities with the limited staffing operations we are facing across the country. With tool selection, tactics and placement we teach the rescuer to be able to accomplish rapid extrication of any victim they will face. The training and scenarios are based on twenty years of rescue experience and real world application. Students from all levels of experience will be able to take the knowledge learned back to their departments and help save lives.

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